Bed Bugs Preventing Residents from Receiving Services?
Attend the 2nd Annual Tennessee Bed Bug Management in Low-income Multifamily Housing Meeting to be held July 27, 2016 in the UT Visitor’s Center 2712 Neyland Dr., Knoxville, TN 37996
Who should attend?
- Service Providers: in-home healthcare, social work, emergency facility (police, fire, rescue and hospital), public transporters and cleaners
- Housing managers, purchasing officers, and pest control, maintenance and other staff
- Pest control company managers and technicians serving these and other communities (7 Tennessee re-certification points for categories 7, 8, 10 and 12)
- Community partners (personnel from charitable organizations; community action committees; furniture, garment and appliance rental or recycling vendors; homeless shelters; and depts. of health, parks and recreation, or transportation, etc.)
Visit vendors/booths (watch for updates)
Oldham Chemicals Co.
Tennessee Healthy Homes Partnership
UT Entomology & Plant Pathology Urban IPM Program